529 College SAvings Websites
UX/UI Design / Responsive Web Design / Iconography
Challenges + Expectations
We were tasked with designing a consistent and responsive web experience for the 529 college savings plans for 10 different states. The client's goal with this redesign was to remove the shroud of relative complexity from college savings investment, and ultimately, get more people to open new 529 accounts. Each state already had their own brand identity and basic color palette, so these elements would need to work harmoniously with the designs we presented. Also, each state had their own investment portfolio options and laws to take into consideration.
Strategy + Solutions
Through varying types of research, we established a list of the standard key contributors, including their expectations and concerns. We then shaped our information architecture, messaging and imagery to better accommodate these users. We used bold, inviting imagery, surfaced only the most compelling and pertinent content, and through use of simple infographics and interactive tools we presented complex investment information and options in a way that made it actually digestible to the 529 layman. A simple 3-step process graphic on the Home page was used to drive home the simplicity of opening an account. To accommodate the user that was more seasoned with the in-and-outs of investing, we also included more in depth details within the individual plan types and portfolios. Finally, using each state's brand colors, we established a unique palette for each state that was refreshing, fun and credible.